May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
restaurants comply with the newly-imposed regulations on air ventilation and purification. Besides, John is possessed of bullish confidence in IoT home automation. He has successfully forged partnerships with various telco service providers and home furnishing merchants, in a bid to tap on cross-selling opportunities and expand MOMAX’s presence in the IoT market. Competitive Edges of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan in manufacturing With headquarter of MOMAX being in Hong Kong, John said, “Hong Kong enjoys many unique advantages as a testing bed, including extensive network coverage, ubiquity of smartphones and a cluster of tech-savvy Hongkongers.” Even though the labour cost and compliance cost have continued to soar in China, the long-established, fully-fledged industrial ecosystem there is very unlikely to be replaced. Coupling the many favourable policies offered to foreign corporates, China will remain the primary manufacturing basecamp for MOMAX. During the interview, John also revealed his plan of establishing a foothold in Taiwan. “Taiwan is in a prime position in the semiconductor industry, mobile network communications and phone business, together with a strong pool of tech talent. These prerequisites have appealed MOMAX to start off new business in Taiwan to scale up its partner network and enhance the R&D capability.” With the uncountable passion on product innovation, together with an eagle eye to capture market opportunities, John was accorded the Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong in 2020. As an entrepreneur developing MOMAX from scratch, he encouraged entrepreneurs and innovators alike to take an audacious step of pursuing new opportunities in the global market. He said, “Even today, I’m still an entrepreneur, relentlessly learning how to grow and innovate my business. Frankly speaking, not every MOMAX product is a success. We have to remain perseverant and resilient until we capture the opportunity to succeed. MOMAX will not cease our journey of innovation. We aspire to launch more products comprised of creativity, design and functionalities and develop MOMAX into a world-famous brand in time.” 兩岸三地工業生產各有優勢 MOMAX以香港為總部,鄭冬生認為:「香 港電訊網絡覆蓋全面,智能手機普及 率 高, 而且港人熱愛追捧新科技,很適合為新產 品『試水溫』。」他另指,儘管國內的人力及 合規成本日增,但是其完善的零件及產品供 應鏈的確難以取代,亦有利好政策吸引外商 設廠投資,故仍會是MOMAX的生產基地。 MOMAX亦有計劃在台灣設立據點,「台灣在 半導體、流動網絡及手機業務等範疇名列前 茅,亦不乏科研人才,很適合MOMAX拓展 合作夥伴網絡,提升研發實力。」 憑藉對產品開發的熱誠,以及敏銳的市場 觸覺,鄭冬生於2020年榮獲香港青年工業 家獎。作為白手興家的創業家,他亦勉勵年 青的創業者,把握現今開放的市場往外闖。 他說︰「直到現在,我覺得自己仍然在不斷 創業中。即使是MOMAX開發的產品,也不 是每一件都能成功。但只要抱持正面、屢敗 屢戰的心態,積極行動,才有成功的機會。 MOMAX會不斷創新,我希望未來能推出更 多創意、設計和功能俱備的產品,讓全世界 都認識MOMAX。」 To revisit John Cheng’s short film made specifically for 2020 Young Industrialist Award of Hong Kong: 重溫鄭冬生特別為2020年 香港青年工業家獎拍攝的短片︰ 5-7/2021 | 29
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