May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
Besides the internal team, John also paid enormous effort in building trusted relationships with supplier partners. He said, “MOMAX counts on OEM suppliers as our own production lines is not sizable per se. Throughout the manufacturing process, we give technology- specific advice and suggest a set of yardsticks for quality, production efficiency and cost control, etc. As such, our suppliers are geared up with the needed capacities to produce quality goods to support MOMAX’s growth.” John recalled, during the nation-wide lockdowns at the beginning of COVID-19, many factories in China had to suspended their operations. Fortunately, thanks to the long-term mutual relationship, MOMAX’s suppliers are willing to prioritise the provision of raw materials and OEM services for them as soon as operations resumed. Foresight is the Key to Success MOMAX’s disinfection product series is nothing new. The product series was first launched two years ago, but it has only become popular until the burst of the epidemic. “In today’s world, we almost can’t take the hands off our smartphones. It’s very likely for our cell phone screen and case infested with germs and virus. In view of this, MOMAX launched a series of disinfectant products like a UV-C light sanitising box and multi-function pens.” John said, despite of lukewarm market response at that time, MOMAX still holds strong belief in the product series. The series eventually has become one of MOMAX’s best sellers amid the pandemic, creating record-high positive market growth in the midst of economic tribulations. Under the new normal, John forecast that the demand for health and hygiene-related products would remain robust. Thus, MOMAX has further expanded the disinfection product line and rolled out the IoT-powered UV-C Air Purifier, which is a stellar device that can help 前瞻性助MOMAX突圍而出 「疫」下拓商機 新冠肺炎疫情爆發時,MOMAX的消毒殺 菌產品旋即變得非常暢銷。但原來該產品早 在2018年已經推出。「都市人早已『機』不 離手,屏幕及機身少不免沾染細菌和病毒。 MOMAX當時就 率 先推出無線充電紫外光消 毒盒、UVC多用途隨身消毒筆等產品。」鄭 冬生表示當時市場反應一般,幸好公司沒 有放棄產品,在疫情下就大派用場,更讓 MOMAX業務逆市增長。 鄭指出,在疫情的新常態下,市場對健康 及衛生方面的產品需求有增不減,MOMAX 亦會向此方面發展,例如公司最近推出物聯 網智能紫外線空氣淨化機,有助食肆符合換 氣量及空氣淨化等防疫要求。另外,鄭冬生 亦看好家居物聯網的潛力,已開始與不同電 訊商及家品店合作,推出以手機控制的家居 用品。 2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES | 2020「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 28 | 5-7/2021
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