May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

現在手機配件店隨處可見,MOMAX如何 在市場上站穩陣腳?鄭冬生說︰「MOMAX 早在2G時代已經投入市場,相比其他廠 商,我們對手機用戶需求、技術規格、市場 環境、供應鏈以至生產線皆有更全面、深入 的掌握。」MOMAX現時是蘋果、三星、華 為、小米等領先品牌的官方授權廠商,在新 手機正式上市前,公司已經獲得技術資訊及 設備規格以設計生產手機配件,例如是為以 相機功能見稱的手機生產專用攝影支架,與 新手機同時推出,盡佔市場先機。 團隊內外兼備 成MOMAX致勝之道 鄭冬生認為MOMAX能夠在競爭激烈的 手機配件市場中脫穎而出,全賴背後富有衝 勁、才華和熱忱的團隊。他說︰「我鼓勵團 隊發揮創意,提出創新的產品構思,並會盡 快投放資源開發有潛力的新產品。」手機配 件行業相當講求創意和速度,鄭冬生認為前 瞻性、決斷力和行動力都極為重要,方能確 保公司的領先優勢。他很慶幸團隊上下團結 一致,群策群力把做好每件產品。「由於公 司給予團隊相當高的自由、信任及支持,為 他們實現好構思,令他們從工作中獲得很大 成功感及滿足感。」 除了公司內部團隊,鄭冬生亦相當重視 與供應鏈夥伴建立鞏固的關係。他表示︰ 「MOMAX自身生產線規模不大,主要是以與 OEM製造商合作。我們在過程中會給予技術 建議,並明確訂立品質、效 率 、成本控制等 標準,提升廠商的產品實現能力,讓他們與 MOMAX共同成長。」疫情期間,內地工廠停 工停產,幸好MOMAX與供應商關係合作已 久,他們願意優先提供物料及代工服務,公 司才能盡早重啟生產。 In the highly competitive mobile accessories industry, maintaining a strong foothold in the market is no easy task. John said, “MOMAX has entered the industry since 2G era. Compared with other manufacturers, we have the most comprehensive and deepest understanding of mobile users’ demands, technical specification, market environment, supply chains and manufacturing lines pertaining to this industry.” MOMAX is now an approved partner of many mobile phone behemoths, including Apple, Samsung and Huawei. As such, MOMAX can gain a first-mover advantage by obtaining critical technical information prior to new product release for producing accessories complementing the hero features of new products. For instance, MOMAX debuted tailor- made tripods alongside a brand’s flagship camera phone, hence being able to capture market opportunities ahead of all others. The Key to Success: Building a United Company Inside Out John believed that MOMAX’s success lies in a trio of motivation, ingenuity and enthusiasm in his team. He said, “At MOMAX, we are in absolute favour of creativity and ground-breaking ideas. We will then make quick decisions to mobilise resources for novel product development and exploring new markets.” Understanding that creativity and speed are both thriving elements within the mobile accessories industry, John reckoned that being forward-looking, decisive and action- driven are indispensable for MOMAX to stay at the industry’s forefront and successfully create the brand’s many products with concerted effort. “As MOMAX empowers its talent with a great deal of freedom, trust and support, we are able to turn avant-garde ideas into reality. MOMAX’s talent are always given opportunities, giving them a great deal of job satisfaction and sense of achievement.” 5-7/2021 | 27