May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES | 2020「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 John said, “Smartphone fever has swept across the world. They are no longer merely used for making phone calls, but also for taking photos, enjoying music, playing videos and many other functions. Hence, the demands on products complementing smartphones, such as photography gadgets, tripods, wireless earpods and portable chargers have emerged.” The core strength of MOMAX lies in the ability to create new application scenarios. For example, considering auto-navigation is increasingly popular, MOMAX introduced phone holders specifically designed for drivers to use navigation function effortlessly. 鄭冬生說:「隨著智能手機潮流席捲全球,手機除了用來打電話,亦會用於拍攝、聽歌、收看短片及節目等,用戶 自然開始需要如攝影配件、腳架、無線耳機、便攜充電器等產品。MOMAX對準這個潛力市場,開發推出多款功能性 配件,將手機功能發揮得更好。」MOMAX的強項是為手機開發創新的應用場景,譬如說「自動導航」的功能日益普及, MOMAX就推出車用手機支架等配件,方便用家使用導航功能。 決勝千里  創意、行動力、前瞻性成關鍵 Thriving in a Neck-and-Neck Business: Creativity, Action and Foresight, Not One Less John Cheng ,Founder and CEO, MOMAX Technology (HK) Limited 摩米士科技(香港)有限公司創辦人及行政總裁 鄭冬生 先生 I n the early 2000s, the global economy had been ravaged by the Asian financial crisis, SARS and other meltdowns, rendering entrepreneurial ambience, as well as the business environment in the doldrums. Realising the immense market potential of mobile accessories, John Cheng, founder and CEO of MOMAX Technology (Hong Kong) Limited, was brave enough to start up his company in the rough times, embarking on a challenging but thrill-filled venturing journey riding on the high tides of digitalisation and smartphone fever. 千 禧年初,環球經濟飽受亞洲金融風暴、「沙士」疫情等衝擊,營商環境及創業氣氛陷入低迷。儘管如此,鄭冬生 (John) 洞悉手機配件市 場的潛力,於2004年決心創立摩米士科技(香港)有限公司 (MOMAX),把握數碼化及智能手機普及化的熱潮,成功闖出一片天。 26 | 5-7/2021