May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

Last year, Karen prepared more than 60 sets of fashion works jointly designed by local interior designers and architects for the runway on CENTRESTAGE, Hong Kong's largest fashion show. The prints adopted in this collection are all unique pattern designs converging urban landscape, nature and local nostalgia. Once in a physical exhibition, Karen found that the plain color masks on the models’ faces are contrastingly incompatible with the brightly-colored cheongsams they showcased. The scene triggered Karen to consider working with manufacturers to apply her colourful designs onto surgical masks for different social occasions. "At that time, I decided to just give a FOCUS STORY | 專題 Karen Chan , Founder and Cheongsam Designer, SPARKLE COLLECTION SPARKLE COLLECTION 創辦人及長衫設計師 陳嘉賢 SPARKLE COLLECTION ("SPARKLE") is a high-end cultural and artisitic brand founded by Karen Chen, Executive Director of German Pool Group. SPARKLE mainly designs fashion cheongsam and tang jackets, as well as homeware and jewelry embellished with shining crystals. The COVID-19 has brought Karen the unexpected opportunity to put her modern cheongsam designs onto surgical masks. As a veteran in both manufacturing and design, Karen believes that the synergy generated by these two sectors will unleash tremendous added-value to the products of both brands and also allow them to quickly penetrate new customer groups. SPARKLE COLLECTION(「SPARKLE」)是德國寶集團執行董事陳嘉賢(Karen)創辦的高端文藝創意品牌,主要設 計以唐裝及長衫為主的時裝、及鑲有水晶的家品及配飾。新冠肺炎的出現,讓Karen設計的摩登長衫得到了意想 不到的口罩聯乘設計機會。在工業、設計均有豐富經驗的Karen相信,兩者合作所產生的火花不但能為雙方產品 增值,更讓品牌快速滲透到新的客戶群體。 去年,Karen為參與香港最大型的時裝展 CENTRESTAGE走秀,準備了超過六十套由本地 室內設計師及建築師攜手設計的時裝作品,每套 服裝上的香港原創設計圖案都是獨一無二,揉合 城市景觀、自然面貌、本土情懷等特色。然而, 若模特兒穿著顏色鮮艷、對比強烈的服飾,卻戴 著簡約平淡的口罩,與華麗的旗袍格格不入。有 見及此,Karen便想到與生產商合作,將設計應 用在口罩上,適合在不同社交場合使用。「當時我 SPARKLE COLLECTION 20 | 5-7/2021