May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

are completed, so that the customers could swiftly receive their orders without having to worry about delayed delivery. As the epidemic eases, GoodMask launched physical stores in several prime locations to boost brand exposure. The sales from physical stores have now surpassed that of online stores. The company also exports and distributes surgical mask products in Canada, the United Kingdom and other overseas regions, including their establishment of presence in Taipei city in March this year. In order to retain customers, GoodMask frequently introduces new designs, including in-house design prints, licensed Japanese characters as well as the upcoming collaboration designs with local artists in order to keep customers fresh. Ryan pointed out, “Hong Kong manufacturers only focused on the OEM production in the past. However nowadays, other than manufacturing high quality products, surgical mask manufacturers must take a step forward in building their own brands and handling everything from production to retail.” Currently, GoodMask has already built a big team of nearly 200 staff members. In addition to the production line, many support staff are needed for design, marketing and sales, customer service, information technology etc. Fortunately, Hong Kong has a wealth of experienced talents in these types of producer service industry, forming the strong alliance to back the sustained growth of GoodMask. As Ryan observed, the local surgical mask industry has been adjusting itself as the market gradually saturates. In recent months, Ryan’s counterparts in surgical mask manufacturing began to suspend production one after another, especially companies that solely rely on the manufacturing part in the value chain of surgical mask business. In addition to developing more diverse anti-epidemic products, GoodMask recently launched its own online shopping mobile app for customers to purchase surgical masks, as well as cleaning and hygiene products, fresh foods and other consignment products, together with a membership system to enhance customer loyalty. Furthermore, GoodMask is planning to launch a physical coffee shop, leading GoodMask to become a lifestyle brand throughout online and offline channels. "Surgical mask itself does not contain much technology. We differentiate our brand by high quality and the wide range of design to win word-of-mouth reputations that help us strive in this surgical mask market. Such brand recognition is crucial for our further development of new products and business lines for the long-term growth of GoodMask." 銷、客服、資訊科技等支援工作。幸好香港 在這類生產性服務業的人才和經驗充足,作 為GoodMask的強大後盾,輔助企業不斷 成長。 李秉峰認為,現時本地口罩市場已趨飽 和,口罩產業已進入調整階段。近來數個 月,李秉峰目睹不少口罩行家陸續停產, 黯然淡出市場,可見單靠口罩難以令企業可 持續發展。除了推出更多防疫商品外,最 近GoodMask推出了自家品牌的網購手機 程式,供用戶選購口罩之餘,亦出售清潔衛 生用品、新鮮食材及其他寄售商品,並引進 會員制度鞏固顧客群;未來更有意開設實體 咖啡店,將GoodMask 轉型成為貫通線上 下的生活品牌。「口罩並非高技術的產品, 我們憑著質素、設計等口碑建立品牌認知, 方能在競爭中生存。在得到大家對品牌的 認同後,再開發新產品、拓展業務,才能讓 GoodMask持續發展下去。」 5-7/2021 | 19