May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
Shan Ho Asia Pacific Limited was one of the earliest companies setting up surgical mask production when Hong Kong was caught in mask shortage. Ryan Lee, who used to operate a pharmaceutical store, co-founded GoodMask with his fellows when the epidemic was raging. Starting from a clean room, GoodMask has become a lifestyle brand integrating product design, manufacturing, marketing and sales with extended business arms in online shopping and F&B. 在疫情初期香港鬧「口罩荒」之際,山河亞太有限公司算是最早期開始籌備口罩廠的企業之一。創辦人之一 李秉峰本來經營藥房,但有見疫情水深火熱,他遂決定與友人共同創立GoodMask,著手開設本地口罩生產線。 由一個無塵車間做起,在短短一年多間GoodMask已經成為一間由設計、生產到銷售一手包辦,更將業務拓展至 網購、餐飲的生活品牌。 Ryan Lee , Chief Executive Officer, Shan Ho Asia Pacific Limited 山河亞太有限公司行政總裁 李秉峰 Before the COVID-19, there was almost no surgical mask factories operating in Hong Kong. GoodMask, as well as other manufacturers, had a hard time exploring everything from scratch, including factory design, procuring materials and machinery. Though a surgical mask looks simple enough, putting its production line into operation is not as straight-forward as it seems. The clean room required for production has been the first challenge. Ryan frankly said, "Most of the existing clean rooms are used for food packaging and their owners would not rent the facilities for our surgical mask production. We did have the plan to build our own clean rooms, but it would take at least three to four months of time to get things done. Our society and market simply can’t wait that long." 在疫情前香港幾乎沒有口罩工業,由廠房、原 材料採購、購置機器等,GoodMask和一眾行家都 是見步行步,由零學起。雖然口罩看似不太複雜, 但要成功投產原來一點也不簡單,生產口罩的廠房 所須的無塵車間已經是一個大難題。李秉峰坦言︰ 「由於本地現存的無塵車間大多用作食品包裝,很 難外借作生產口罩。我們曾打算自行建造無塵車 間,可是由廠房設計至裝修等需花上三、四個月的 時間,當時的社會、市場根本等不及。」 Shan Ho Asia Pacific Limited 山河亞太有限公司 5-7/2021 | 17
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