Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
DEPUTY CHAIRMEN’S VIEWS 宏勢微觀 Strengthening the Support for the Development of Digital Technology 改善支援配套 促進數碼科技發展 “L everaging collaborations” has remained as an indispensable key to success for the industries. Without solid and well-planned support, it could be an arduous task for companies to turn out-of-the-box prototypes into commercially successful products. Such an innovative process is in a sense analogous to fostering the development of digital technology. In October 2020, KPMG and Google Hong Kong jointly published the white paper “Smarter Digital City - AI for Everyone”. As the white paper revealed, though AI- powered products and services have been massively deployed in our everyday life, a lack of comprehensive support, in particular the deficiency in I&T talent could hamper the City’s efforts in buoying up the growth of AI and smart city in future. In addition to cultivating more skilled talent in digital technologies, in the short run, the Government could enhance its effort in helping Hong Kong corporates recruit best-of-breed expatriates, in support of the mid-term growth of businesses. 工 業發展的成功有賴各環節緊密協作,創新的產品意念若沒有細膩而紮實的生產配套支援,結果亦難 盡如人意,此道理放諸數碼科技發展亦然。2020年10月,畢馬威與Google香港共同發表《智慧數碼 城市-全城AI》白皮書,指出香港市民雖已在生活中廣泛應用人工智能產品及服務,然而在研發層面,卻 欠缺充足的支援配套,尤其缺乏相關專才,長遠而言定必窒礙本地人工智能和智慧城市的發展。因此,我 們除希望特區政府能加強培育本地數碼科技人才外,短期亦可協助企業從海外招聘相關專才到港工作, 以配合業界的中長期發展。 查毅超博士 Dr Sunny Chai 8 | 1-3/2021
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