Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
發、創新科技及跨境營銷。《施政報告》提 出的港深創新科技園「一區兩園」方案,正 好配合這個全新概念,協助港商落戶大灣 區,共享兩地資源及科研人才,完善香港工 業的生態鏈。 事實上,香港作為一國兩制下的國際金 融中心,樞紐角色從來不變,既可吸引跨國 企業選擇香港作為發展大灣區內業務的基 地,帶動人流、物流、資金流,進一步連結 大灣區內經濟體;同時,亦可到海外經貿合 作區發展業務,拓展東盟地區商機,讓「香 港製造」一展所長。 尤其去年底,中國等15個經濟體簽訂 《區域全面經濟夥伴協定》(「協定」),協定 的成員涵蓋供應鏈的上、中、下游。香港一 向比較擅長協調及管理,預料未來可以參與 區內供應鏈的重塑,相信將成另一商機。當 然,倘若特區政府能成功爭取加入協定,將 有助鞏固香港在區內的貿易樞紐地位。 《財政預算案》將於下月出爐,工總已向 政府提交意見書,期望《財政預算案》能與 《施政報告》環環相扣,在支援現有營商措 施上加大力度,並推出有助中小企發展大灣 區內業務的政策,例如推動「大灣區港企港 稅」,以增加企業發展大灣區業務的誘因; 以及將資源重點投放在港商大灣區營商的常 見難題,如處理知識產權保護等。 最後,我謹代表香港工業總會仝人在此 向大家拜個早年祝願疫情早日消散,各位在 新一年開創更多商機,大展鴻圖,生意 興隆。 As the international financial hub under the “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong always offers a multitude of unmatched advantages to appeal multinational corporates to set up basecamps in Hong Kong, which is also preferred as the launchpad to the GBA. The unrivalled position of Hong Kong fosters the flows of people, goods and capital therein, and bolsters Hong Kong’s indispensable linkage with the GBA. Besides, Hong Kong businesses, in pursuit of emerging business opportunities in the ASEAN countries, are now endowed with the privileges to run in the Mainland’s overseas Economic and Trade Co- operation Zones. I firmly believe that manufacturers with the “made in Hong Kong” plaudits will achieve exceptional growths in these regions over time. Around the end of 2020, China and 14 other economies signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), forming the most massive trade pact in the world covering the upstream, the midstream and the downstream of supply chains. With coordination and management being the greatest strengths, Hong Kong could unlock the new phase of growth if it can take part in RCEP to optimise supply chains in the trade pact. This will also represent a significant milestone for Hong Kong to solidify its premier position as the regional trading hub. As the 2021 Budget is about to be announced, FHKI had put forward concrete recommendations in alignment with the directions of the latest Policy Address, hoping that the Government would enhance measures to support further businesses, especially initiatives helping SMEs develop businesses in the GBA. To incentivise Hong Kong-based companies to ride on the myriad opportunities brought by the GBA development, FHKI advocated the imposition of “Preferential Corporate Income Tax” in the consultation paper. When businesses are expanding to the GBA, FHKI believes that it is the Government’s top priority to resolve their typical pain-points therein, such as protection for intellectual properties. As the Year of the Ox is approaching, on such an auspicious note, may I wish the pandemic will be over very soon. Let us create more business opportunities and achieve new growth in the year ahead! 1-3/2021 | 7
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