Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
新 一年伊始,惟疫情反覆和全球經濟未 見明朗下,香港中小企仍然面對前所 未有的挑戰。然而有危,自然要創造機會, 才有望突破難關。新科技是協助企業突破困 局的主要元素,香港企業利用新科技創造經 濟新動力,轉危為機乃今年的發展大勢。 要在後疫情時代早著先機,加快企業復甦 步伐,必先充份掌握新經濟發展的脈膊。依 目前情勢可歸納出五大範疇:發展區域經濟; 加速虛擬服務轉型;發展非接觸式技術;靈 活工作方式,以及綠色健康生活,以走出目 前經濟困局,維持營運和提升市場競爭力。 S tarting a new year, Hong Kong SMEs are still besetting with persistent epidemic and global economic uncertainties, facing unprecedented challenges to their business operations. Yet difficulties give birth to opportunities and breakthrough. New technology holds the key to helping SMEs battle the headwinds. In this year, the development trend for Hong Kong enterprises rests upon capitalising on new technologies to give impetus to our economy, turning difficulties into opportunities. Amid the post-epidemic era, the need to gain visibility into economic trend has never been more essential for enterprises to stay ahead of the game and accelerate their pace towards resilience. Gauging the current situation, the five economic trends are, namely, Regionalisation; Service go Virtual; Connected & Contactless; Agile Workforce – Anywhere, Anytime; and Green Healthy Living. All help SMEs skew through the rough seas, maintain operations and enhance market competitiveness. 企業共創 新經濟 技術趨勢 掌握 五大 1-3/2021 | 61
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