Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

CHAIRMAN’S VIEW 我觀我見 Dr Daniel Yip 葉中賢博士 2 020年新冠肺炎疫情為全球帶來經濟寒 冬。踏入新一年,疫苗面世為全球帶來 利好因素,經濟復甦似乎可期。從來機遇與 挑戰並存,新冠疫情亦為電子商貿帶來新商 機,不少港企緊捉時代洪流的機遇,新產業 應運而生。 去年中,工總推出「港品薈•線上展覽」, 希望在疫情期間為會員開拓內地商機。行 政長官於去年底發表的《施政報告》中, 積極配合商界拓展電子商貿,推出一站式 「GoGBA」平台,透過培訓和營運「網上香 港設計廊」,協助港商進軍內地市場,把握 內地雙循環的機遇。我深信政府與商界互相 配合,將為經濟發展注入新動力。 另一方面,踏入後疫情時代,靈活求變 已是新常態,亦為「再工業化」賦予全新意 義。工業不再局限於廠房,更擴展至產品研 T he COVID-19 pandemic has gravely led global economies to near standstills in 2020. As we headed into 2021, the coronavirus vaccines, soon to be rolled out, will signify a silver lining, bringing a fresh impetus to the global economic growth. In every crisis there is an opportunity. In face of the coronavirus, I’m delighted to see many entrepreneurs demonstrate remarkable resilience in capitalising on the bandwagon of online shopping to open up new revenue streams. With their relentless effort to digitise and transform, the e-commerce industry has now become a booming business. Earlier this year amidst the pandemic, FHKI launched “Style FHKI – Virtual Expo”, a year-round virtual e-commerce platform showcasing thousands of premier Hong Kong-styled products and services, to help our members expand footprints to the enormous domestic market. In the latest Policy Address, we also see the Government’s determination to foster the development of e-commerce. The one-stop “GoGBA” platform, alongside the provision of training and the operation of the “Online Design Gallery”, will enable Hong Kong businesses to tap into the Mainland market and seize abundant opportunities brought by the dual circulations. We believe that the concerted efforts of the business community and the Government will turn out to be a significant accelerant to the City’s prospering economic future. In the post-pandemic era, being agile and resilient is the key to championing the “new normal”. Under the new normal, “re-industrialisation” is now much enlivened, extended from manufacturing to research & development, deployment of innovative technologies and cross-border industrial partnerships. With respect to this, we fully support the idea of “one zone, two parks” under the joint development of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong I&T Co- operation Zone (SITZ), as it resonates with the exigent voice of the industries. The SITZ will help industry players establish a foothold in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), so that they can draw top-notch R&D talents from the both places. This ground-breaking initiative stands to further the ecological chain of Hong Kong industries. Embrace Change in the Post-pandemic Era 後疫情求變 商機處處 6 | 1-3/2021