Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

1 Sum, Lok-kei.“Hong Kong tops global report on public transport but loses out to Singapore and Paris when private transport also taken into account.” 22 Aug 2018. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/community/article/2160875/hong-kong-tops-global-report-public-transport-loses-out.   Sum, Lok-kei。《Hong Kong tops global report on public transport but loses out to Singapore and Paris when private transport also taken into account》2018年8⽉22日。 南華早報。擷取 ⾃https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/community/article/2160875/hong-kong-tops-global-report-public-transport-loses-out 。 2 Transport Advisory Committee. Fig 2A on p.22,“Report on Study of Road Traffic Congestion in Hong Kong.”December 2014.   Retrieved from https://www.erp.gov.hk/download/Full_Eng_C_cover.pdf.   交通諮詢委員會。《Report on Study of Road Traffic Congestion in Hong Kong》第22頁,圖2A。2014年12⽉。  擷取⾃ 自https://www.erp.gov.hk/download/Full_Eng_C_cover.pdf 。 智 能 交 通 系 統 x 香 港 乘 車 易 推動智慧城市運輸交通發展 Advancing Smart Mobility Development in a Smart City The results generated by the Intelligent Transportation System are displayed on major traffic sign boards. 智能交通系統的運算結果在主要交通路牌上顯示。 香 港生活節奏急速,市民得以在城中各 處來往穿梭,實有賴這裏完善的交通 系統。根據2018年一項調查顯示,香港的公 共交通在全球24個國際都市中名列首位 1 。 話雖如此,香港仍有超過一成市民選擇以靈 活度和私隱度較高的私家車代步 2 。但無論開 車或乘搭公共交通工具,我們都爭分奪秒, 務求以最短的時間、最便捷的途徑抵達目的 地。為此,政府和服務供應商全力尋求協助 市民計劃行程的方案,理大的專家亦一直有 參與相關研究。 約在十年前起,香港理工大學(理大)土 木及環境工程學系林興強教授工程師與土地 測量及地理資訊學系潘鄭淑貞博士分別率領 團隊開發交通資訊系統,包括前者為駕駛人 士而設計的智能交通系統,以及後者針對公 共交通研發的「香港乘車易」路線查詢平台。 鑒於資訊科技的發展一日千里,兩個團隊適 時為其系統作出更新,加入先進的實時功 能,幫助香港實現成為智慧城市的目標。 H ong Kong is well-known for its fast-paced lifestyle and getting around the city is easy. According to a report in 2018, Hong Kong’s public transport was ranked number one among 24 global metropolises 1 . That being said, over 10% of commuters in the city still prefer the flexibility and privacy of driving a car 2 . Whether operating a private vehicle or taking public transport, we have no time to waste and appreciate ways to cut back on travel time or go around the gridlock. That explains why the government and service providers have been looking for solutions to help passengers and motorists plan their trips ahead. Experts at PolyU have been partnering with some of them to achieve this. Ir Prof William Lam from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dr Lilian Pun-Cheng from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), led their research teams to design an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for motorists and the HKeTransport portal for public transport users about a decade ago. As information technology has been advancing drastically since then, their systems have also been updated with state-of-the- art real-time functions towards the goal of making the city smart. 1-3/2021 | 57