Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
CNY SUPPLEMENT | 農曆新年特輯 The flying star #3 Aquamarine “Lucun” represents litigations and thefts as it comes together with the God of aggressiveness, who is responsible for disputes, thefts, lawsuits and any kind of conflicts. To overcome, it is suggested to place household items in purple or red in colour at home, for example, cushions, mats or curtains. Water-related decorations, hydroponically grown plants, blue or green items, sharp items and furniture in triangle shape are all strongly discouraged. Offending Taisui ( 太歲 ) is the least thing one should do, therefore it is not advised to relocate or conduct any kinds of preservation projects. 三碧「祿存」官非賊星飛到,三碧又名「蚩尤」 星,好勇鬥狠之神也。主是非口角、破財賊 劫、官非災訟、衝突鬥爭。化解可用紫、紅色 家用物件如坐墊、地氈、窗簾等,可減其凶。 大忌流水裝飾、水種植物、藍綠二色物品等, 亦懼尖銳利器三角形傢俱擺件。是方年值「歲 破」,衝犯太歲,犯太歲位也,大忌動土、拆 改修造。 The flying star #2 Black “Jumen” comes as the symbol of sickness and people can get sick both physically and mentally easily and frequently at this position. It is suggested not to relocate and place items like electrical appliances, flowers in red and green colour or household items that are red or green. Medicines, food and personal-care products placing there may also cause bad impacts. Metallic spheres that are related to six, the lucky number, such as golden rounded plates with six coins inside are recommended. Paying attention to hygiene, food choices and quality sleep cycles can also help promote health. 二黑「巨門」病符星弔臨,若長時間 處此位置,是年多病,也易有情緒憂 愁抑鬱、暗悶淹延等問題。是方忌動 土,忌放置動的物件如電器、綠植紅 花、忌紅綠二色家品。是年此方亦忌 放藥物、食物、個人護理用品。宜用 六數之圓型金屬製物件化解,金屬圓 盤,內置六枚硬幣,可作平衡;注意 個人衛生、作息飲食,可收健康養生 之效。 The flying star #7 Red “Pojun” arrives as the symbol of small- m i n d e d m e n a n d r o b b e r s , conspiring against people like a concealed shooting arrow. By placing a set of eight pieces of porcelain tableware or eight pieces of yellow-white jade-made or stone-made ornaments, eight, the lucky number can counteract the impact. 七赤「破軍」到此方,七赤乃退 氣星,亦小人之狀、盜賊之精 也。七赤乃暗箭,是方易遭小人 暗算纏繞、爭訟破財。可用八數 之土助旺,如一套八件之陶瓷擺 件,如陶瓷八仙、陶瓷杯碟,或 八件黃白色玉石、石卵制衡。 The flying star #9 Purple appears as a lucky star which aids marriages, pregnancies, competitions and award-winnings. As suggested by The Secrets of Xuankong , there is a higher chance to expect babies if the direction of the head of the bed or the door of the sleeping room heads Northeast. To enhance the fortune for relationships, plants in red, pink or purple colour are also recommended to place towards this direction. It is strongly not advised to relocate or conduct any kinds of renovations. 九紫「右弼」吉慶星飛臨,大利姻 緣桃花、婚喜嫁娶、添丁吉慶、比 賽競選、名譽獲獎。《玄空秘旨》: 「欲求嗣續,紫白惟取生神。」牀頭 或房門位於東北位,可期有喜添 丁。亦可於此方位,用花卉盆栽、 植物,紅色、粉紅、紫色浪漫顏色 擺設裝飾,催旺桃花姻緣。東北方 亦是今年「太歲」之位,大忌動土。 With the visit of the lucky flying star #8 White “Zuofu”, this position brings fortune if the flat meets water outdoor or locates near to swimming pools, fountains, roundabouts, roads, car parks or stadiums. It brings fortune too if the door, the corridor and the direction of bed side situates onto this direction. For indoor decoration, it is advised to place items that shares the feature of rotation, such as fans, air purifiers, telephones, computer printers and fax machines. Fish tanks, water fountains, decorative wheels and water pipes are also preferred. We should also keep this position clean and tidy instead of leaving unwanted used items there. 旺星財星「左輔」八白飛臨,若此方位戶外氣空 見水,如泳池、噴水池、迴旋處、馬路、停車 場、球場空地等,大利財運。大門、通道口、牀 頭、坐位於此方亦大吉。室內可於此方置轉動物 件如風扇、空氣清新機、電話、電腦打印機、傳 真機等;也可放魚缸、水池、轉輪水柱等以催其 吉。旺位財位宜光亮潔淨,忌暗、忌放廢舊雜 物。 The flying star #6 “Wuqu” occupies the centre, symbolising a blissful year for managerial levels, government officials and disciplined services. It is suggested to place items that carry the weight of the authority, such as the logos of the companies, the symbols of the departments or the certificates indicating the highflying results. Academic trophies, certificates or pictures are also advised to be placed at home, as well as statues. If placing items at the centre position is not allowed, it is also encouraged to take the West as the placing location, which is the direction of flying star #8 White. Promotions and improvements on work or studies can also be achieved by placing eight pieces of yellow-white stone-made or jade-made ornaments.. 六白「武曲」官星入中,大利官貴權力,利管理階層、 或公職公務人員、紀律部隊等。如可,於中宮放置寓 意公司標誌、部門徽號、業績比賽獎狀獎座之類權 威性物品;家居可放學業成績獎盃、獎狀、照片等; 亦可於此位置奉安天神偶像。中宮即若不便,可轉放 流年旺星財星「左輔」八白所到之西位,六白八白土 金相生,聯星助旺;六為乾為天,八為艮為山,《周 易》配卦山天大畜,惟山最高,惟天最大,山天大 畜,大有積蓄也。亦可用八顆黃白色石卵或玉石擺件, 助旺催官出貴,升職加薪、事業學業進步。 West 西 Central 中宮 Southwest 西南 North 北 Northwest 西北 Northeast 東北 The suggestions above to pursue good luck and avoid disaster are only for reference. Fortune varies from person to person while positive and kind thoughts under different circumstances and conditions are helpful in counteracting bad luck, and vice versa. 上述催吉避凶,謹供參考。災祥實隨人而異,起心動念吉善,形隨順變、勢因利導,順勢而行,凶可變吉,反之亦然。 44 | 1-3/2021
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