Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

Location Chart of Feng Shui Elements 流年紫白飛星圖 七 六 二 三 八 四 五 一 九 Auspicious and Inauspicious Positions for Year of Ox 辛丑牛年流年風水吉凶方位催旺化煞 Grand Duke of Jupitar 太歲 Location of Disastrous 五黃 Clashes with the Grand Duke 歲破 Troublemaker 三煞 Southeast 東南 Nor theast 東北 East 東 Disastrous Star 災星 Romance and Celebrations 姻緣喜慶 Eloquence 文昌 5 9 4 Southwest 西南 Nor thwest 西北 West 西 Disputes and Financial Loss 是非破財 Fair 平平 Prosperity in Wealth 旺財 3 7 8 Frequent Trips 驛馬 Illness 病符 Military Star 官星 1 2 6 South 南 Nor th 北 Central 中宮 The flying star #4 Green “Wenqu” occupies the position of Wenchang ( 文昌 ), bringing fortune into academic studies, exams and job promotions, interpersonal relationships and competitions. The position also encourages art and literature and creative ideas. For the setting of the flat, it is suggested to place four hydroponically grown plants, water fountains or water-running ornaments, desk chairs, computers, trophies or a set of tools of calligraphy. Apart from these, it is also advised to beware of the repercussions caused by some small-minded men as “Sansha” ( 三煞 ) shares the position with “Wenqu”, leading to on-paper disputes or immoral slanders. 四綠「文曲」星飛臨此方,俗謂文昌位也;利 學業書緣、考試升遷、人際關係、比賽競選 等。此位置亦利文學藝術、高新創意靈感。可 以放四枝水種植物或設置水池、流水裝飾。宜 安放書檯坐位、電腦設備、獎盃獎座,或文房 四寶,生旺文昌之氣。同時,亦是「三煞」位 置,「三煞」者,小人也!「文曲」「三煞」同座, 易文書合約等事惹煩,或才華遭小人詆訐。慎 而為之,小人可以不理。 The flying star #1 White symbolising travelling and changes arrives and changes are completely unpredictable. The fate and investment luck of this year may vary a lot if one’s door, seat or the direction of the head of the bed is situated on this spot. As the water element means change, instabilities may be incurred in marriage and the wealth generating process, and the chances of having a different working environment may increase and the frequency of business trips will also rise. It is suggested to decorate the flat with spherical items that are white, gold or silver in colour with one or six, the lucky numbers, so to turn disasters into fortunate encounters. 一白「貪狼」水星飛到,一白主驛馬、變動。 一白水星主變化,變化可吉可凶,變動乃過 程,吉凶是結果。若門位、坐位及牀頭處此, 主今年運程變動反覆,投資波幅上落極大;轉 職搬遷、差旅頻仍等;水主變化,今年工作財 運、感情婚姻,亦易生變化。可於此方安放圓 型、白色、金銀色物,一數或六數平衡,處置 得宜,可令遠行順利、變動趨吉、投資獲利, 行事趨吉避凶,即可轉災為祥。 As the flying star #5 Yellow stands for disasters, people are discouraged from making any moves. In the Southeast, it is strongly discouraged to kick off any maintenances or to relocate electrical appliances, fish tanks, water pipes or decorative wheels. To avoid disasters, sicknesses, litigations or bloodsheds, it is also strongly discouraged to place plants and items that are red or green in colour. Heavy metallic spherical items such as copper tripods, copper clocks and globes can help ease the situation. 「廉貞」五黃凶神災星飛臨,五黃宜靜不 宜動,動則終凶,剋之則禍疊。是年東 南方大忌動土,宜靜。大忌動的物件如 電器、魚缸、水柱、轉輪等。木剋土而 火助旺土,故亦大忌植物花卉、大紅大 綠色物件,必會招災釀病、官非血光。 必須用重型金屬圓型物件如銅鼎、銅 鐘、地球儀等鎮洩減凶。 Southeast 東南 East 東 South 南 1-3/2021 | 43