Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
CNY SUPPLEMENT | 農曆新年特輯 六白為金為肺,堅成之紀,承續庚子,肺 炎防疫,仍須堅壁清野,不可鬆懈輕忽。流 年飛星五黃飛巽,東南方易有災難意外。二 黑病符值北方,易發憂愁抑鬱、暗悶淹延, 及傳染病疫症等事。 六白為金、為首、為思維創新、為權威。 大利有關行業如金融財經、宣傳推廣、領袖 培訓、公務公職、政經預測、及以思維創新 行業。 立春日四柱八字,食神秉令,地支寅午半 財不化,食神財星皆不能透干通根,剋煞並 臨,天干盡見印比,以身旺論。 表示今年在不利大環境下,阻力麻煩多 見,困難重重,但地支寅午食神與財星合 作,時乖運轉,尤以夏天,或應有較佳收獲。 今年雖喜神秉令,惟忌神環伺,地支逢 衝,故凡事宜謹慎,戒急用忍,誠如「遯」卦 之時義,保存實力,審時度勢再作行動。 按流年八字論,喜用木火,忌土。故思維 創新、高新科技、電子商貿、文化創意、設 計工藝、中醫藥業、商業服務等行業較利。 地產基建多爭議官訟,酒店旅遊艱苦維持。 保存實力 乘時待動 「遯」卦,闡釋小人勢長,君子退遁局面。 猶如國際形勢,政治衝突勢長、經濟民生退 遁。面對這種危機困難局面時,應如何退避 道理。去年新冠肺炎肆虐全球,無論政治經 濟皆受衝擊,值此國際形勢及市場格局遽 變,全球政治對抗勢長、經濟退遁、失業嚴 重、百業待振之際,就是說無論政府施政、 企業經營以至個人發展,君子應該採取「遯」 之策略,要堅定信念,必須隱忍,應退則 退,不可妄動,保存實力,乘時待動,秉持 剛毅中正態度,誠如《中庸》所講:「……君 子居易以俟命。」 但退避只是手段,並非目的。遯卦的退 遁,並非消極逃避,而是隱忍,等待積極行 動最有利時機。乘時待動,俟命而行,「遯」 卦上卦為乾,君子也。易經《乾˙象辭》曰: 「天行健,君子以自強不息。」 面對辛丑牛年不可預知的政治和經濟變 化。君子應學習《易經》智慧中,「遯」卦適 時進退、居易俟命,去面對當前困難。亦學 習乾卦德行,自強不息,持續未來發展。是 則辛丑牛年,必可居易自強,時艱共度也! to infectious lung diseases associated with the respiratory system and pneumonia. In the Southeast, the flying star #5 Yellow exerts its negative impact, giving rise to higher possibility for disasters and accidents to take place. With the flying star #2 Black, the symbol of sickness, resides over the North this year, it is likely for infectious diseases and illnesses to occur. Other than money, the flying star #6 White is also known for innovation and power. This year is a prosperous year for the financial sector, marketing industry, leadership training field, civil service, political and economic forecasting and careers that require innovative thinking. On the “Start of Spring” Day, in the hexagram arrangement of the four pillars and eight characters, negative energy exerted from Yinwu ( 寅午 ) clouds over the positive energy of Bingling ( 秉令 ). Such arrangement leads to a difficult period for wealth acquisition which wealth is unlikely to be accumulated or more likely to diminish. Although adversities are expected this year with the foggy macro environment, luck is believed to make an appearance when Summer comes. On the other hand, the God of happiness is threatened by the God of jealousy, thus increasing the possibilities of having conflicts. It is advised to listen to the hexagram of Dun and stay low profile and observant. Judging by the eight characters, the earth element is discouraged while the wood element and fire element are encouraged. Therefore, innovative thinking industries, technological industries, e-commerce, creative cultural industries, design industries, Chinese medications and commercial services are likely to enjoy prosperity, while real estate industries may face disputes or even litigations, and hotel tourism may expect a coming tough year. Be preservative and observant The revelation of hexagram of Dun about how gentlemen retreat when small-minded men gain power and control illustrates the constantly changing inter-nation relations, increasing political tensions and deteriorating socio-economical situations. Last year, people around the world were swept away by the COVID-19 disease, which in turn causing tremendous damages in every aspect and leading to a global transformation. To cope with the adversity, people have to take the strategy of Dun into consideration so to preserve their power and wait for the best chance to take the next step. Quoted from Zhongyong , a gentleman should “ …… be steady and strive for the destiny.” However, there are words of wisdom we should never forget: to retreat is only a tactic, but not the ultimate goal. The hexagram of Dun emphasises the positive meaning of retreat, which is to retreat for the best time to take the initiate to act. According to Yi-jing : Xiang Ci , being preservative and observant is what a gentleman should behave, for “a gentleman should strike for the destiny.” Facing the unpredictable political and economic changes ahead, a gentleman should learn from Yi-jing and acquire the essence of the hexagram of Dun, which is to be flexible and be ready to confront any challenges. The virtue of striking for the destiny inspired by the trigram also has its importance. With a comprehensive understanding of the hexagram, we will be strong and steady to march into the coming year! 42 | 1-3/2021
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