Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
待動,所謂遁世無悶。但隱忍、退避只是手 段,並非目的。「遯」卦的退遁,並非消極逃 避,而是隱忍,等待積極行動最有利時機。 當時機來臨,應當覺悟,面對危機困難,滿 招損是必然規律,強硬積極對抗,徒然造成 傷害損失,毫無意義。 《論語˙泰伯》中孔子說:「天下有道則 見,無道則隱。」 「遯」卦《易經˙彖辭》曰:「遯亨,遯而 亨也。剛當位而應,與時行也。小利貞,浸 而長也。遯之時義大矣哉。」 「遯」卦為十二消息卦之一,配合節氣來 看,是農曆六月,陰氣發展已具規模,陽氣 有向上退避趨勢。陽爻代表君子,《易經》所 言多自君子角度,所以說「遯」。天地之間 陰陽不斷消長,人間世吉凶得失往來,只要 能有互為轉化,就可以說「亨」。 「小利貞」,「小」是指陰爻,此卦陰爻有 漸長之勢;「貞」,固也,是說適宜守中正 固,而不宜躁進。本卦艮下乾上,陽爻居 九五大位,又有六二陰陽正應。「剛當位而 應,與時行也。」喻意情形仍在陽爻掌握之 中,但觀察大勢,則知陽消陰長,大勢不 就,君子應該採取「遯」之策略。 「遯」之時義,是提醒人們居安思危,環 境不就時,要退避隱忍,等待有利時機。即 若環境成就,功成名遂時,也要考慮功成身 退;適時屈信進退,所以說其意義大矣哉。 紫白飛星六白「武曲」入中 流年紫白飛星六白「武曲」入中,六白陽 金星管局。六白乾宮,「武曲」居之,五行屬 金,性尚剛烈。其生旺也,威權振世、巨富 多丁。其剋煞也,伶仃孤苦、刑妻傷子。 《紫白訣》:「更言武曲青龍,喜逢左輔善 曜。」 《玄空祕旨》、《流年九星斷訣》:「富並陶 朱,斷是堅金遇土。」 六白為乾,乾為君、為長;主上位元首、 官員、管理階層及年長一代,故是年各方面 無論正面負面新聞,皆以國家元首、官員、 管理階層及年長一代為主居多。流年六白入 中與運星八白金土相逢,八白左輔為吉宿, 應較去年為吉,是所幸甚。 life so as to wait for opportunities. As they preserved their power and observed the world closely, the time spent did not become merely a timepass. They clearly understood that to retreat strategically was to achieve a bigger goal. According to the hexagram of Dun, one should not escape away but hold back oneself. One’s mind should be made up and ready for the challenge ahead when the golden chance comes. Regarding the phases of the moon, aggressive emergence at the wrong moment will be totally meaningless and will only cause damage to us in the end. The wisdom of Confucian Analects: Taibo says, “When the right principles of the government prevail in the kingdom, the gentleman will show oneself; when they are absent, one will retire.” Yi Jing: Tuan Ci suggests, “Dun indicates successful progress will be brought by a proper retreat.” When the situation is favorable, one should go with the flow; and when the situation is not desirable, one should concentrate on small yet important matters and maintain the gravity of oneself. The meaning of Dun is formidable. There are twelve hexagrams representing the twelve months and the hexagram of Dun is one of them. All twelve hexagrams were called together “Twelve Informative Hexagrams”. In reference to solar terms, June in the lunar calendar is the month when the Qi ( 氣 ) of Yin ( 陰 ) is developing while the Qi of Yang ( 陽 ) is retreating upwards. Yangyao ( 陽爻 ) represents the gentleman as Yi-jing ( 易經 ) usually speaks from the perspective of the gentleman, as a result, Dun is generated. For Heng ( 亨 ), it connotes the constant rise and decline of Yi and Yang on the Earth and the unceasing appearance and disappearance of fortune and misfortune. As the Yinyao ( 陰爻 ) shows a tendency to grow, the hexagram encourages people to follow the righteous path with patience. Consisting of lower Gen and upper Qian, this hexagram with Yangyao situating in the position of nine-five meets the position of six- two correspondingly. “When the situation is favorable, one should go with the flow” reveals that the situation is currently in Yangyao’s control but the Yin-rising-yet-yang-declining trend does not benefit the gentleman, thus recommending the strategy of Dun, which is to retreat from the unstable condition. Therefore, the interpretation of Dun is to evoke the sense of insecurity which makes people retreat or retire so as to seize the best opportunity. Even if the situation is favorable, retire after successes is still the more desirable way. To pursue or not to pursue, here is the essence of the hexagram. Flying Star #6 White“Wuqu” Presides over the Centre For this year, flying star #6 White “Wuqu” exerts great influence at the centre position where its Yang and gold elements symbolise the tough approach. Power, fortune and fertility are those the gold elements can generate; while solitude and family harmony are those cannot be overcome. The Song of Flying Stars suggests: “Good encounter and good assistance will be found.” The Secrets of Xuankong and The Song of Nine Flying Stars suggest: “As rich as the two rich men from the past, it is believed to be the solid gold element meeting the earth element.” Powered by Qian, the head or the leader, flying star #6 White is set to represent the head of the government, government officials, managerial levels and the elderlies. No matter positive or negative news, it will be highly related to these people. However, as shown in the hexagram, with the good encounter of gold and earth and the fortunate assistance of a fortune signal, the coming year will be more steady. We should be thankful for above all these. Powered by the gold element, which also symbolises the lung among all organs, it is suggested that the society shall stay attentive 1-3/2021 | 41
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