Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

CNY SUPPLEMENT | 農曆新年特輯 T he Year of the Ox (Xinchou) commences on 4 th February 2021 and ends on 3 February 2022. It also marks the 18 th year of Xia Yuan Ba Yun, with Tianshandun ( 天山遯 ) as the hexagram of the year. Be steady and strive for the destiny In the chapter of Xiang Ci in Yi Jing , the hexagram of Tianshandun ( 天山遯 ) implies, retreat when there is the mountain in the trigram and stay away from small-minded people with dignified gravity. This is about toleration and retreat. In the hexagram of Tianshandun, the symbol of Gen( 艮 ) that signifies mountain is situated under Qian( 乾 ), a representation of sky. The sky is supposed to locate above the mountain but with the uprise of the energy of the Sun, it symbolises an attempt to escape. Although the height of mountain has its limit, the sky is forced to stay away. A hexagram of Dun is therefore revealed. To observe small-minded people gaining power in the world order, a gentleman understands there are growth and decline in the process of upholding the right path, thus learning to be worldly wise for the preservation of oneself. The above sentence suggests that one does not show his loathe, act calm, adhere to the order and stay serious when keeping oneself away from small-minded people. The article about Zeshanxian, the fortune of the Year of the Rat, has foretold that the wave of Coronavirus Disease would come last year, and the situation has not yet been resolved at the moment. While we are all suffering from the pandemic and enduring the political unrest and economical instabilities, this hexagram of Dun comes at the right time and reminds us the strategies of Dun, which are to abide by the righteous belief strictly and stay low-profile cautiously. People back in the old days tended to hide from the average people or retreat from daily 陽 曆2021年2月4日至2022年2月3日為 辛丑(牛)年,為下元八運第十八年, 流年值卦為「天山遯」卦。 居易俟命 自強不息 「天山遯」卦《易經˙象辭》曰:「天下有 山,遯。君子以遠小人,不惡而嚴。」 「遯」者,遁也,退避、隱忍之意。「遯」 卦艮下乾上,乾為天,艮為山,亦即天下有 山。天本在山之上,但其陽氣繼續上升,有 如試圖隱遁;另一方面,山之高聳雖有所 止(艮為止),但有逼退天的氣勢,所以形成 「遯」卦。 君子眼見小人逐漸得勢,由此明白人間正 道亦有消長,所以先求明哲保身。君子以遠 小人,就是遠離小人,不必憎惡太甚,但要 不動聲色,嚴守分際、嚴肅以對。 前年推算去年庚子鼠年運程「澤山咸」卦 一文,早指出庚子年將有肺炎來襲,執筆本 文時全球疫情仍未緩解,際此全球皆因疫情 而受阻隔,政治經濟皆受衝擊,今年「遯」卦 之時義,告訴我們無論政府施政、企業經營 以至個人發展,應採取「遯」之策略,要堅 定信念,秉持剛毅中正態度,必須隱忍,應 退則退,不可妄動。 古人之隱忍,或隱忍於世俗之中,或超脫 於世俗之外,以等待時機,保存實力,乘時 流年運程概略 辛丑牛年 Fortune Forecast for the Year of the Ox Tianshandun 天山遯卦 Hexagram for the Year of the Ox 流年值卦 Gen (Mountain) 艮(山) Qian (Sky) 乾(天) 40 | 1-3/2021