Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

FOCUS STORY | 專題 Besides the effort of industrialists and enterprises, the injection of young blood into the talent pool is the most critical element to add impetus to the advanced industries and make “re-industrialisation” possible for Hong Kong. Although our students and young professional have always shown keen interest on science, research and development, it is extremely challenging to restore their faith in devoting into a career in this sector given the dominance of services industries and diminishing presence of manufacturing plants in Hong Kong. The lack of understanding to industry development, confusion in career orientation and the worries about career prospects, just to name a few, are obstacles for the younger generation to step up for R&D and advanced industries. Taking into account the views of the industry and academia, the young talents have great potential with the essential personal attributes to success. However, under the current limitations in education, most of them lack the readiness and skills to take up industry jobs upon graduation. The contribution by enterprises and employers into talent training is instrumental to fill this gap. On the other hand, while we see limitations in Hong Kong’s employment market and industry prospects, it is critical for enterprises and young professionals to tap into the vast opportunities in the Greater Bay Area for wider development possibilities. By extending our reach further, together we can open up a much larger market for the advanced industries in Hong Kong to excel and create diverse job opportunities that attract younger generation to come into play. Only by bulking up and sustaining our talent pool, we can support the full fledge development of our industries. Ever since the launch of “re-industrialisation” advocacy, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) actively facilitates collaboration between the industries and academia to pave the way for science and engineering students to gain industry knowledge alongside classroom education in their earlier stage of study. Last year, FHKI announced the launch of Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT), a new degree programme in collaboration with the College of Science of the City University of Hong Kong. This programme integrates scientific knowledge, innovative technology and practical working experience under one roof, together with knowledge in intellectual property rights, entrepreneurship and business planning. Most importantly, students will take part in internships in the member companies of FHKI, equipping them to become all-rounded young talents needed for Hong Kong to achieve “re- industrialisation”. The Government and industry must take even more active roles for Hong Kong to progress even further in “re-industrialisation”. Indeed, leading economies have been setting up forward-looking strategies to foster the development of advanced industries, co-ordinating policy directives from basic education, vocational training, employment, R&D, entrepreneurship to immigration policies, opening up as many channels as possible to nurture and attract talents needed for the short-, medium- to long- term development of their economies. Hong Kong must take action as soon as possible to consolidate human resources and manpower figures to support the formulation of talent development blueprint, with the Government taking the lead to synergise efforts from all sectors and set aside resources for the revival of industrial developments. We envision to create a prospective future that young industrialists can look forward to, and we all work as one to pave the way for modern manufacturing industry in Hong Kong. 要助香港在「再工業化」的路上走得更高更遠,除 了現今工業家和企業的投入外,亦必須有年青人投身 業界,方能為高端產業的發展注入源源不絕的動力。 儘管香港不少學生和青年對科研發展有相當興趣,但 在香港多年來傾側於服務業、本地工廠式微的情況 下,要重建他們對投身科研和工業的信心殊不容易。 對行業發展不了解、缺乏升學選科的方向、或是對工 作前景感憂慮等,都是年青一代投身科研和工業的障 礙。 綜觀業界與學者分析,雖然他們普遍欣賞香港年 青人的質素,但因為教育課程所限,在就職準備度、 行業知識上仍有待磨練,需要企業和僱主更投入參與 人才培訓方能填補不足。另外,現時香港的就業機會 和前景有所局限,企業和年青人均必須把握與大灣區 接合的機遇,尋求更廣闊的發展空間,將香港高端產 業的餅做大做闊,製造更多元化的機會吸引年青人投 身行業,不斷充實工業人才庫,以利長遠發展。 自倡議「再工業化」以來,工總積極促進業界與院 校合作,助理工科學生更早開始了解行業的實際運 作,與院校的理論教育相輔相成。在去年底,工總便 宣布與香港城市大學理學院合作開辦環球精研與科創 課程(「GREAT」),課程結合科學新知、創新技術及 實戰工作經驗,並向學生授以知識產權、創業和商業 策劃的知識,更可到工總會員企業實習,相信可持續 培育科研及商業人才,為推動「再工業化」注入新血。 誠然,要讓「再工業化」繼續前行,政府與業界必 須肩負更積極角色。為促進高端產業發展,不少先進 經濟體均已制定長遠計劃,由基礎教育、職訓、就 業、科研開發、創業培育、以至移民政策等,多管齊 下,為國家培育和輸入短、中、長期經濟發展所需的 人才。香港必須加快腳步,收集整合人力資源的數據 作分析,制訂完整策略藍圖,由政府牽頭統籌各界合 作和分配資源,為重振工業發展鋪設好道路,為下一 代「青年工業家」締造可期待的產業前景,共同推進 現代工業之路。 Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT) of the City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學環球精研與科創課程(GREAT)   Basic Entry Requirement  基本入學要求 CHIN(3), ENG(3), LIBERAL STUDIES(2), MATH. (2) 中文(3)、英文(3)、通識(2)、數學(2)  No. of Intake 收生人數 18 人  Funding Category 資助類別 UGC-funded Programme 教資會資助課程 Tuition Fee 學費 HK$ 42,100  Bachelor of Engineering in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering of the City University of Hong Kong*    香港城市大學工學士(智能製造工程學)*   Basic Entry Requirement  基本入學要求 CHIN(3), ENG(3), LIBERAL STUDIES(2), MATH. (2) 中文(3)、英文(3)、通識(2)、數學(2)  No. of Intake 收生人數 20 人  Funding Category 資助類別 UGC-funded Programme 教資會資助課程 Tuition Fee 學費 HK$ 42,100  * Further details to be released by JUPAS Source: City University of Hong Kong  詳情有待JUPAS公佈 資料提供:香港城市大學 26 | 1-3/2021