Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

Dr NG Man Cheuk, Alfred 吳民卓博士 Occupation : Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer of SUGA International Holdings Limited    職業 : 信佳國際集團有限公司執行董事及首席技術總監  Education : Bachelor of Engineering in Computing, Imperial College London (1st Hon.)  Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology     學歷 : 英國倫敦帝國學院計算機工程學士(一級榮譽)  美國麻省理工學院電子工程及計算機科學碩士  美國麻省理工學院電子工程及計算機科學哲學博士    Public Office : Adjunct Professor of Electronic Engineering Department at City University of Hong Kong  Member of Electronic Engineering Departmental Advisory Committee at City University of Hong Kong  Board of Directors of Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI)   Member of Hong Kong Trade Development Council Electronics/Electrical Appliances Industries Advisory Committee  Admission Panel Member of the MARS Centre of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation  Expert Review Panel member and Steering Committee member of Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre e    公職   : 香港城市大學電機工程學系客席教授  香港城市大學電機工程學系諮詢委員會委員  香港應用科技研究院有限公司(應科院)董事會成員  香港貿易發展局電子/電器工業諮詢委員會成員  香港科技園公司MARS中心委員會成員  物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心專家評審小組及督導委員會成員   尤其是在科研商品化、行業營運經驗上,輔助學 生準備投身高端產業,共同解決本地人才問題。  展望未來人才與行業轉型 有見政府近年不遺餘力地助香港企業到大灣區 發展,開拓多元產業和製造更多就業機會,吳民 卓認為,香港公司應投放更多資源在研究開發上 和放眼華語市場,考慮在內地設立研發基地,與 海內外的研發「大戶」競爭核心人才;以及吸引新 加坡、台灣等地的專才來港,擴充香港人才庫。  他引述自身在高通工作時的例子,認為人才流 動是不能避免的,頂尖人才不論身處何地均可作 出貢獻,協力推進科研發展,裨益全球。事實上, 有志在科研和高端產業發展的年青人亦無須局限 自己在香港工作,可多發掘世界上不同地方的可 能性。最後他亦寄語一眾畢業生,主動瞭解未來環 境、職業導向,理解科研的潛在價值,積極學習 跨學科知識及養成一技之長,迎接數碼世代帶來 的機遇。  In terms of industry-academia collaboration, Alfred expressed that it is understandable for universities to prioritise scientific research results and thesis publication. The industry can take a more active role to offer learning and training opportunities alongside university education, especially in research commercialisation and industrial operation experience, to equip students for taking up a career in advanced industries and enhance local talent pool through collaboration.   Paving the Way Forward for Talent and Industrial transformation   In recent years, the Hong Kong Government has been pushing forward various initiatives to facilitate Hong Kong enterprises to establish presence in the Greater Bay Area with an aim to diversify industries and create job opportunities. In view of this, Alfred echoed that companies in Hong Kong should invest more in R&D and tapping into the wider Chinese- speaking market, considering to set up R&D bases in the Mainland and compete with both overseas and domestic R&D giants for the best talents. Meanwhile, Singapore and Taiwan are also talent hubs that worth exploring where Hong Kong can attract professionals from there to boost our talent pool.    Alfred shared his experience at Qualcomm, stating that the mobility of talent is inevitable. The far-reaching impact created by top talents goes beyond their physical location and collaboratively contributes to the advancement of science and technology across the globe. In fact, the younger generation in Hong Kong may take the liberty to explore opportunities outside Hong Kong to develop their careers in R&D and advanced industries. Lastly, Alfred advises that local graduates should take an active approach to explore future environment and career possibilities, understandthe potential of technology, and develop interdisciplinary knowledge and unique skills that will help them excel in the digital generation.  1-3/2021 | 25