Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

SUGA was established in 1991, during a glorious period of industrial development in Hong Kong. From the initial focus on OEM, ODM projects and JDM projects, to the creation of their own brand in recent years, SUGA has never ceased to break new grounds in design, production and sales, bringing high-quality and trending products for the customers from around the world. In just a decade, SUGA has been listed on the Main Board of HKEX and has been honoured with the 2018 “BIVA Most Valuable Listed Company Award”.   Alfred believes that “Innovators are not easily satisfied with the status quo. We cannot stay at where we are in this rapidly changing world. The mere pursuit of stability is a step backwards.” To Alfred, even the most advanced product will inevitably be outperformed as time goes by. One must seek to innovate to gain a firm foothold in 信佳國際集團有限公司在1991年成 立,正值香港工業發展的輝煌時期,由最 初專注代工生產(OEM)業務,發展至原 廠設計生產(ODM)和共同開發 (JDM) 項 目,近年更創立自家品牌,由設計、生產 到銷售,一次次突破自我,為世界各地的 客戶和消費者製造優質和與時並進的產 品。短短十一年間,信佳便於香港主板上 市,更榮獲2018年「BIVA最具投資價值 上市公司獎」。     吳民卓認為,「追求創新的人,不能輕 易滿足於現狀。世界每天在變,我們又怎 能墨守成規呢?若只求穩定,變相是一種 退步。」於他而言,無論多先進的產品, 都無法勝過時代的變遷,想要在市場站穩 腳,就必須不斷求變創新。  應 對 供 求 失 衡 | 吳 民 卓 : 培 訓 多 元 專 才 Responding to Supply and Demand Mismatch - Training Multi-Talented Professionals Shortage of talents has long been an obstacle for full-fledge industrial development in Hong Kong. SUGA International Holdings Limited (SUGA), a three-decades-old group, is facing the same problem. Dr Alfred Ng, Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer of SUGA, pointed out that multi-talented engineering professionals who can design products according to users’ preferences are in scarce supply. To fill the skills gap, SUGA has to partner with overseas companies for joint development projects. In the long run, he believes that education is the starting point for Hong Kong to nurture multi-talented professionals that meet the needs of the new digital generation.  人才短缺的問題困擾香港工業界多時,成立了接近三十年的信佳國際集團有限公司同樣面對此挑 戰。該公司的執行董事及首席科技總監吳民卓坦言,香港的工程師較缺乏多元學習體驗,於產品設計 上難以滿足用家喜好,現時公司只能與外國企業合作,共同開發項目彌補技術上的缺口。長遠而言, 他認為應從教育着手,培訓多元專才,應對數碼新世代。    e i l d d Mi i i lti- l t f i l Scientific talents are the cornerstone of social development 「科學人才是社會發展的基石」 1-3/2021 | 23