Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

FOCUS STORY | 專題 In view of the sluggish local market in the past two years and the unemployment rate reaching the peak of 6.4% in the third quarter last year, it has never been more challenging for graduates this year to secure a job. Speaking of the ways for engineering graduates to equip themselves, Daniel shared from his views as an employer, “Engineering students should learn to understand users’ needs rather than building a cart behind closed doors. This is the very foundation of making good products and services. Besides, marketing communication skills are essential for them to explain the merits of technology and products to users professionally. This will help them get the jobs done with half the effort.” Cross-border Movement of Talents Strengthens Competitiveness  While being asked whether the Government’s “Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme”, aiming at attracting Hong Kong youths to work in the Mainland, will cause a drought of industrial talent in Hong Kong, Daniel was optimistic, “I think the Scheme will bring more benefit than harm to Hong Kong’s industrial talent development. The Scheme will help young professionals to absorb business and industry knowledge in both Hong Kong and China, fostering their own professional development and contributing even further to Hong Kong's industrial and economic development in the future.”  近兩年香港市況低迷,失業率在去年第三季 曾高達6.4%,是近十幾年的新高,今年的畢業 生較以往更難就業。被問到工科生該如何裝備 自己投入職場,作為僱主的鄭文聰坦言,「工 程系學生必須學懂了解用家需要,不能閉門造 車,才能做出優秀產品及服務。他們亦要學習 營銷技巧,專業地向用家解說技術和產品優秀 之處,才能事半功倍。」  人才跨境流動助加強競爭力 被問到政府推出「大灣區青年就業計劃」以 吸引香港青年往內地工作,會否令香港流失工 業人才。鄭文聰對此十分樂觀,「我認為計劃對 香港工業人才有利無害,香港青年可以藉此計 劃在香港和內地吸收工業及營商知識,有助自 己的專業發展之餘,將來亦能對香港工業及經 濟有更大貢獻。」  Ir Professor CHENG Man-chung, Daniel 鄭文聰教授 Occupation : Managing Director of Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Limited   職業 : 正昌環保科技(集團)有限公司董事總經理    Education : Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, The California State Polytechnic University    學歷 : 美國加州州立理工大學工業工程學士    Public Office : Honorary President of Federation of Hong Kong Industries   President of Hong Kong Environmental Industries Association  Member of the Chief Executive’s Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development  Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Management and Marketing Department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University  Member of the Committee on Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialisation  Member of the Advisory Committee on Water Resources and Quality of Water Supplies Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers      公職   : 香港工業總會名譽會長  香港環保產業協會會長  行政長官創新及策略發展顧問團成員  香港理工大學管理及營銷學院顧問委員會主席  創新、科技及再工業化委員會委員  水資源及供水水質事務諮詢委員會委員  香港工程師學會資深會員     22 | 1-3/2021