Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
quality and efficiency.” When Daniel established Dunwell after retuning to Hong Kong, such experiences inspired him to launch an in-house training programme for the company. “Industry is about operating a business. We need more than pure theory to train quality talents. So, I decided to recruit engineering graduates as interns, allowing them to apply their classroom knowledge and bulk up operational experience across all aspects in the company.” Customised Training to Mitigate Brain Drain Movement of employees is inevitable in all companies. While allocating significant amount of resources to train young engineers, Daniel must also consider how to maximise the time these experienced engineers could stay for his company. Daniel pointed out, “We established a two-stage training programme. In the first three to four years, graduates are required to work at all departments of the company. They will take part in every hands-on task assigned to them in the first two months in order to build solid knowledge on each part of the operation. During this period, I meet with each of them regularly and individually to understand their progress. Thereafter, the graduates enter the second stage of training which is customised based on their individual progress and aspirations.” Daniel emphasised that the customised training at the second stage is the essence of the programme: “I will personally participate in every trainee’s corporate training to give dedicated attention to everyone. The training won’t be successful if we cannot tailor the content for every individual according to their capabilities and expectations. The programme is also instrumental in fostering the sense of belonging in our staff.” After implementing the programme for 22 years, about 50 engineers have moved to various large corporations and public institutions after the training. Daniel said frankly, “Although our trainees were recruited by other companies, it is not necessarily a bad thing as it will expand our company’s network. Under the programme, graduates stayed in Dunwell for about five years in average, which substantially stabilises Dunwell’s structure and helped the inheritance of experience. Since they had worked in every department, a culture of mutual support was established in our company which becomes an attractive for many employees to stay.” Daniel said proudly that the programme has nurtured four department heads, all of whom have worked for more than 20 years and become the backbone of Dunwell’s sustained growth. Industry-University Cooperation Provides Students Real-life Experience At present, Daniel is an honorary professor of industrial-related disciplines at the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. With many years working with universities to hire graduates, Daniel was slightly upset about the industrial training offered in universities at present, “Under the current system, universities usually prioritise research and submission of papers as their primary goal to help boost their institutions’ ranking. Nevertheless, this is done at the expense of resources allocated to undergraduates’ internship. Students are deprived of industry exposure before graduation where some of them have not even had a chance to use a spanner. Many employers have to start training the graduates from scratch.” 實習的方式接觸公司各個環節,讓他們學以致 用,同時吸收營運經驗。」 培訓「度身訂造」減人才流失 任何公司都會面對人才流失問題,在花上大 量心血培訓青年工程師的同時,鄭文聰亦必須 考慮如何讓人才盡量長時間地留在公司服務。 鄭文聰指,「我們的培訓計劃分為兩個階段, 畢業生要在首三至四年內走遍公司各部門,當 中首兩個月更要『有乜做乜』,親身體驗公司各 部份的技術運作,我會定期親自與他們逐個詳 談,了解他們的工作情況。之後的第二階段, 我們會再按他們情況和志向,『度身訂做』進階 培訓。」鄭強調,第二階段的個人化培訓是關 鍵,「我會親自參與每一個學員的企業培訓,因 為每個人都需要attention(關注),助他們按自 己的能力和期望發展,方能看見成果,亦讓他 們對公司更有歸屬感。」 該培訓計劃實行至今有22年,當中約有 五十多名工程師先後轉職至其他公司及公營機 構,鄭文聰坦言,「當然有不少人才在過程中 被挖角,但員工離職並非壞事,反而擴闊了公 司的網絡。在培訓計劃下,畢業生留在公司時 間平均能達五年,已能夠達到穩定公司架構及 經驗承傳的目標。同時由於他們走遍公司各部 門,整個團隊守望相助,亦成為吸引不少人留 下工作的要素。」鄭更自豪地指,此計劃為公司 培訓出四位部門主管,服務超過二十年,成為 公司持續發展的可靠骨幹。 對產學合作的期許驚訝學生不曾用『士巴拿』 現時鄭文聰是香港大學及香港理工大學工業 相關學科的名譽教授,多年來與不同大學合作 聘請畢業生,但提到本地大學的培訓方式時, 亦不禁吐了些苦水,「在現行制度下,大學以 研究和發表論文為首要目標,幫助提升院校排 名,但卻無可避免地減少用在本科生實習培訓 上的資源。學生實際接觸工業運作的機會不 多,甚至有工程學生連『士巴拿』亦未用過,不 少僱主都要由零開始教起。」 1-3/2021 | 21
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