Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

FOCUS STORY | 專題 Management by Attention Daniel Cheng, the Managing Director of Dunwell, established a solid foundation for his career through the hardship in his early years studying in the United States. “At that time, my family could only afford to pay for my high school fees and I had to support my own living expenses and university tuition fee when studying abroad.” Daniel continued, “During my high school years, I had to do part-time jobs in the weekends when my classmates chilled out and hung around. I took up jobs like electrical technician, gardener and swimming pool lifeguard, and even street cleaner. Compared to my university classmates, I could earn industrial and mechanical knowledge from the society much earlier, inspiring me to develop my own management philosophy.”  Daniel cherished those days which taught him the importance of business communication and management skills, “After I took up the street cleaning job, I persuaded my employer to appoint me as a contractor by committing to recruit and train manpower for better 正昌環保科技(集團)有限公司董事總 經理鄭文聰早年曾於美國留學,因年輕時 刻苦的打拼經驗,為他的事業奠下紮實根 基,「當時家人只能為我支付高中學費,留 學時的生活費與大學學費都要『靠自己』。 當高中同學週末玩樂時,我則要打工賺生 活費,電器技工、花王、泳池救生員不在 話下,甚至『洗街』也曾經做過。因此我 比大學同窗更早接觸社會、工業及機械知 識,領悟出自己的一套管理哲學。」  鄭笑言十分珍惜那段日子,讓他學會在 商業世界溝通和管理的重要性,「當時我接 下『洗街』的工作後,向僱主承諾擴充人手 後能有效地清洗街道,成功遊說他出資給 我,使我成為承包商。」當鄭文聰回港創辦 正昌環保時,這些經驗啟發了他如何為公 司策劃長遠的培訓計劃,「既然工業是一門 生意,空談理論根本不可能培訓出優秀人 才,所以我決定透過讓工程系畢業生,以 應 對 人 才 流 失 | 鄭 文 聰 : 管 理 新 哲 學 Responding to Talent Loss - Adopting New Mindset for Talent Management  t o tin Mi t f le t M e t  Since its establishment more than 20 years ago, Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Limited. (Dunwell) was amongst the first batch of companies taking part in the Scheme “A” Graduate Training programme of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, becoming the cradle of environmental engineers who are now serving in large enterprises and government departments, such as electric companies, gas companies and Environmental Protection Department across Hong Kong. What is the secret of Dunwell in corporate training and development to reserve talents in the industry?  正昌環保科技(集團)有限公司成立逾二十年,是首批參與香港工程師學會「Scheme A」畢業生培 訓計劃的公司,其栽培的環保工程師更遍佈電力公司、煤氣公司、環境保護署等大型企業及政府部 門,可說是行內的「木人巷」。究竟正昌環保在企業培訓方面有何秘訣,助業界留住人才?   20 | 1-3/2021