Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

metropolitan economies, share similar obstacles in reviving industries as factories in London have also been also moving away from the city with the share of manufacturing in GDP at a low level.     Having worked in CUHK for many years, Law admitted that remuneration and industry prospects are the major factors for graduates to make a career decision, with due expectations in career ladder and long-term development. Although the employment demand in Hong Kong’s advanced industries is on the low side, the development potential for young professionals entering this field is still bright, “nowadays, 80% to 90% of the master’s and doctoral students in local tertiary institutions are from the mainland who want to establish their careers in Hong Kong. Therefore, most of them decide to join local scientific research institutions and enterprises in Hong Kong Science Park or Cyberport, which offer them good development prospects.”  Law said. Hong Kong-Shenzhen collaboration creates development capacity   In November last year, the Chief Executive Carrie Lam presented the “one zone, two parks” concept in her Policy Address, allowing enterprises to enjoy the development advantages in both Hong Kong and Shenzhen and at the same time, encouraging young people to develop careers in the Greater Bay Area. Law believes that “the mainland is rich in land while Hong Kong students have skills”, the partnership between Hong Kong and Shenzhen will catalyse the development progress in both cities. He asserted that “Hong Kong’s market is not big enough to accommodate our large number of talents. The Greater Bay Area is an excellent platform for industrial talents from Hong Kong to develop careers, helping to alleviate part of our talent issues.” In this sense, the expansion of our industrial base and market to Greater Bay Area would allow Hong Kong talents to fully unleash their potentials. Law also lamented that the Government should have the long-term planning and policy directive for the supply and demand of industrial and technological talents, with the support of empirical data, “For example, publishing a forecast report on the demand for tech talents in the next five years. We have not seen any relevant data so far.” 羅祥國於中大任職多年,他坦言任何學系的 畢業生決定是否投身一個行業,都是看工資和行 業前景,學生能看到晉升和長期發展的機會,方 會願意入行。雖然現時就業機會不算多,但在香 港投身創科高端產業的前景仍算明朗,羅提到, 「現時大專院校的理工科碩士生、博士生中,有 八至九成是內地生,他們多數都希望留港發展, 故有不少人畢業後進入香港科研機構、科學園或 數碼港的企業工作,發展空間亦不錯。」  兩地融合開拓發展空間   去年十一月,行政長官林鄭月娥發表《施政報 告》,建議在港深河套區推動「一區兩園」,讓企 業能同時享有香港和深圳的發展優勢;又鼓勵青 年人到大灣區工作和發展事業。羅認為,「國內 有地,香港學生有技術」,藉著兩地合作可加快 發展步伐,更不諱言「香港不是不夠人才,而是 市場不夠大,故本地工業人才到大灣區發展,可 紓緩部分問題」,要把行業的餅做得更大,香港 人才能有更廣闊的發展空間。 羅亦慨嘆,政府應作長遠規劃,為工業和科 技人才的供求訂下政策方針,以實際的數據為基 礎作出全面計劃,「例如預測未來五年香港需要 多少科技人才,但至今也看不到相關數據。」   Dr Law Cheung-kwok 羅祥國博士 Occupation : Co-Director of the Economic Policy Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong    職業 : 香港中文大學經濟政策研究計劃聯席主任    Education : Bachelor in Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Master in Economics, Thammasat University, Thailand Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, The University of California, Los Angeles   學歷 : 香港中文大學經濟學學士 泰國法政大學經濟學碩士 美國加洲大學洛杉磯分校經濟學博士    Public Office : Former Member of Legislative Council and Provisional Legislative Council of Hong Kong Former District Council Member of Hong Kong Former National Member of The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference    公職   : 前香港立法局及臨時立法會議員 前香港區議會議員 前中國人民政治協商會議全國委員    1-3/2021 | 19