Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
FOCUS STORY | 專題 The term “Industry” has taken on a new value as “Industry 4.0” and “re-industrialisation” gain momentum globally. Although a rather significant number of graduates in Hong Kong are trained in science and engineering disciplines, only a small portion of them decide to take on a career in the industry. Law points out that the economic structures of Hong Kong and Singapore are rather distinctive, “the manufacturing industry in Singapore accounts for 20% of the GDP with mature industrial companies to absorb graduates in science and engineering, offering them positive career prospects. In contrast, there’s neither heavy industry nor military industry in Hong Kong and the manufacturing industry only accounts for about 1% of the GDP. There are too few job opportunities in the market for our large number of science and engineering graduates, resulting in the talent mismatch nowadays”. Law also explained that Hong Kong and London, both being 綜觀環球形勢,「工業4.0」、「再 工業化」成發展新趨勢,「工業」再度 受到重視。香港的理工科畢業生雖不 少,但願意投身工業的並不多。羅祥 國認為,香港與新加坡的產業結構 不相同,「新加坡的製造業佔GDP的 20%,具規模的企業不少,理工畢業 生順理成章地入行,事業的發展空 間亦相當大。反觀香港的工業結構, 既無重工業,亦無軍工企業,製造業 只佔GDP約1%,因此,雖然香港理 工科畢業生多,但因市場就業機會不 足,故出現錯配的情況。」他亦指出, 香港的情況與倫敦相似,兩個是大都 會型經濟體,倫敦的工廠也是外移, 製造業佔GDP的比重亦處低水平,重 振工業並非易事。 應 對 人 才 錯 配 | 羅 祥 國 : 設 長 遠 人 才 政 策 藍 圖 Responding to Mismatch of Talents - Proposing Long-Term Talents Policy s i T e s - P in - le t licy Remuneration and industry prospects determine graduates’ engagement in “re-industrialisation”. 「畢業生是否投入『再工業化』, 一看工資 ,二看行業前景」 Being a member of the Legislative Council before the hand-over and in the Provisional Legislative Council in 1997, Dr. Law Cheung-kwok , Co-Director of the Economic Policy Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have witnessed the industrial evolution in Hong Kong. “Hong Kong's industries were very prosperous back in the 80s, but the production scale gradually shrank as factories moved north. Despite the Government’s commitment to push forward re-industrialisation in Hong Kong, the graduates in science and technology may still find the employment opportunities in advanced industries unattractive. This causes them to opt for other career fields, resulting in a mismatch of talents”. 回歸前曾任香港立法局議員,1997年過渡至臨時立法會,香港中文大學經濟政策研究計劃聯席主 任羅祥國見證着本港產業的變遷,「八十年代香港好多工業,之後(工廠)北移,本地生產規模慢慢收 縮。近年,政府力推再工業化,但對於理工科的畢業生來說,即使香港工業邁向高端產業,所提供的 就業機會亦未必能吸引他們,使他們選擇投身其他行業,導致人才錯配。」 18 | 1-3/2021
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