Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
DEPUTY CHAIRMEN’S VIEWS 宏勢微觀 T o stimulate the Mainland’s economic development, 13 departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, issued the “Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand and Promoting Consumption in Near Future” in mid-October 2020. Apart from requesting various departments integrating the offline economic activities into the highly-desired e-commerce field, the Plan also proposed more supportive measures for manufacturing sectors, such as extending “on the same production lines, under the same standards, and of the same quality” policy to general consumers’ goods and industrial products, as well as increasing credit supports to manufacturing sectors, SMEs and foreign capital. We believe the Plan will help the industry directly manufacture products for domestic sales without dramatically changing the production process, as well as help improving the financing situation, which will facilitate more Hong Kong companies joining domestic sales. 為 刺激內地經濟發展,國家發展改革委會與財政部等13個部門於2020年10月中旬發布《近期擴內需促 消費的工作方案》,着力推動內銷市場發展。除要求各部門需將各類線下經濟活動融入炙手可熱的電 子商貿領域外,方案亦提出更多支持製造業的措施,例如讓「同線同標同質」政策擴大至一般消費品和工 業產品;增加對製造業、中小企及外資的貸款力度。我們認為方案將有助業界在不需太大改動生產流程的 情況下直接製造內銷產品,且有助改善融資狀況,便利更多港商參與內銷。 陳嘉賢 Karen Chan New Measures to Boost Hong Kong Companies’ Prospects on Domestic Sales 新措施提振港商內銷前景 14 | 1-3/2021
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