Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
Expeditiously Passing the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme 盡快通過都市固體廢物收費計劃 T he Environment Bureau, through the “Hong Kong Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources 2013-2022”, clearly pointed out that the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme (MSW Charging) is inevitable for the resource management chain. However, the legislation of MSW Charging has yet completed until the beginning of 2021. Comparing with the three Asian tigers, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, they have started setting up their resource management systems for more than two decades and kept improving. Hence, FHKI visited the Environment Bureau to express the industries’ concerns on green policies, the MSW Charging, and recycling industries. We worry that the stagnant of the MSW Charging legislation will not only lower Hong Kong Society’s efforts on waste reduction, but also the local landfills will soon be overwhelmed. We are grateful that CE will keep promoting the MSW Charging, as well as the Legislative Council resumed its scrutiny work. We hope the legislation of MSW Charging can be completed shortly to put forward Hong Kong’s efforts on environmental protection. 環 境局於《香港資源循環藍圖2013-2022》中,明確指出都市固體廢物收費計劃(收費計劃)對香港 整個資源管理系統是不可或缺的。然而,踏入2021年,收費計劃仍未完成立法。反觀與香港並稱「亞 洲四小龍」的新加坡、南韓與台灣,早在二十多年前已開始建立及優化資源管理系統。因此,工總拜訪環境 局以表達業界對環保政策、收費計劃及回收工業的關注。我們憂慮如收費計劃仍裹足不前,社會各界的付 出將會付諸流水,本地堆填區亦快將不堪負荷。對於行政長官繼續推動收費計劃,以及立法會再次審議草 案,我們表示感謝,並期望能盡快完成收費計劃的立法,讓香港環保事業繼續向前。 周治平 Jude Chow 1-3/2021 | 13
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