Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

TALENT DEVELOPMENT 專業培訓 欲知詳情,請登入工總培訓課程專頁: 活動如有任何變動,將以工總網站公布為準。 Unless specified, all courses are conducted in Cantonese. 除特別註明外,所有課程均以廣東話進行。 協會):周年晚會 01 02 15 28 22 26 Webinar: Guidelines for the Legal Principles of Employment Relations - Case Study of Mutual Trust and Confidence in Employment Contracts 網上研討會:僱傭關係法律原則須知 - 僱傭合約的互信條款 案例分析 Guidelines for the Legal Principles and Common Problems for Corporate Loans under Epidemic Situation 疫情下,申請企業貸款常見問題、條款及法律原則須知 Webinar: Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes No. 55 Deduction for Research and Development Expenditure 網上研討會:「研發活動」開支之稅務扣減的發展、釋義及執行指引第55號 Webinar: Are You Ready for Doing Business in ASEAN? 網上研討會:您準備好在東盟開展業務了嗎? 02 26 Webinar: Cross-border Manufacturing and the related Tax Implication 網上研討會: 跨境加工貿易及相關的稅務影響 The Benefits of Employee Equity Incentives for Corporate Management and Its Practical Operations 員工股權激勵對企業管理的好處、實務操作須知 稅務及法律 Taxation & Law 122 | 1-3/2021