Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

NEW MEMBERS 新會員 Sanomics Ltd 善覓有限公司 Sy Ming-yiu 施明耀, CEO/Director 3990 0721 http://www.sanomics.com Cancer Treatment, Genomic Tests: p-EGFR, RESNAP, BRCAZOOM, PD-L1, ONCOSNAP, ONCOSNAP BRCA, ONCOSNAPNONET 癌症治療,基因測試: p-EGFR, RESNAP, BRCAZOOM, PD-L1, ONCOSNAP, ONCOSNAP BRCA, ONCOSNAPNONET SOCIF Ltd Jason Yuen 袁洛桁, CEO https://socif.co Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) System, Passenger Counting System, Real-time Fleet Efficiency Solution, Fleet CO2 Tracking Solution, Customised Smart Mobility IoT Solution 實時到站預報系統 (ETA)、貨運效率監管方案、貨運碳排放監測系統、車輛物聯網定制項目 Softbank Robotics Hong Kong Co, Ltd Ryan Chan 陳增 目 軍, Sales Director https://softbankrobotics.com/apac/hk Whiz AI Autonomous Vacuum Sweeper Whiz AI 人工智能吸塵機器人 Soonlution Technology Ltd 思路迅科技有限公司 Law Ho-ka 羅浩珈 , Co-founder & CEO Modernised Shellfish Home (MSH) 現代化養殖平台 SP Infinite Technology Ltd 安寶創科有限公司 Wong Wai-chun 黃偉進 , CEO 2755 8899 https://www.spit.hk RFID Solutions, IoT Solutions 射頻識別技術方案及物聯網方案 Superhub Ltd Joe Kwok 郭思忠, Business Solution Director 2353 1445 https://www.superhub.com.hk Hosting and Cloud Solution Riding Primarily on Microsoft Technologies 電訊服務及資訊科技服務 Tibet Water Resources Ltd 西藏水資源有限公司 Chow Wai-kit , Company Secretary 2891 3997 https://www.twr1115.net Manufacturing and Sales of 5100 Glacial Water and Highland Barley Beer 生產及銷售冰川礦泉水及啤酒 Toy Major Trading Co Ltd 多美貿易有限公司 Leon Ng 吳全殷, Sales Director 2945 5006 https://www.toymajor.net Hard PVC, Soft Foam or TPR Toy Animals, ABS or PP Castle Playset PVC、搪膠或軟料玩具動物、城堡套裝 116 | 1-3/2021