Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021

RCEP B eing affected by multilateralism, the countries within the Asia-Pacific region has frequently interacted, which further the economic and the trade relations within the region. In mid-November 2020, ASEAN countries, ally with China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, signed the free trade agreement of “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP), to optimise the trade environment within the region, through reducing trade barriers, lowering export costs, opening up markets and etc, to promote the economic growth. Besides, in order to catalyse regional trade integration, RCEP integrated the inconsistent Rules of Origin among member states through “regional-content rules”, and improved the utilisation of preferential tax rates by value added rules. We believe participating in the RCEP will be able to support Hong Kong manufacturers in establishing multinational supply chains within the region, and create a preferential tax treatment environment for our corporations.  We hope to see Hong Kong can swiftly become a RCEP member so that the companies based in Hong Kong could enjoy both domestic and regional growth from the agreement. 在 多邊主義影響下,亞太地區內各國的互動日趨緊密,有助深化區域經貿關係。2020年11月中旬,東盟十國 與中國、日本、南韓、澳洲及新西蘭共同簽署《區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定》(RCEP),通過削減貿易壁 壘、降低出口成本以及共同開放市場等,優化區內貿易環境並推動經濟成長。RCEP更透過制定通用的「區域累 積原則」,整合了各國不盡一致的原產地規則,以價值累計方式提高優惠稅率的利用率,實踐區域貿易一體化。 我們相信RCEP將有助港商在區內設立跨國供應鏈,同時創造讓企業享受優惠關稅的環境。我們希望香港能盡 快加入RCEP,讓以本地業務為主的企業,透過RCEP把握內銷及區內機遇。 林世豪 Anthony Lam RCEP Boosts Trade Interactions among Asia-Pacific Region RCEP促進亞太地區貿易交流 1-3/2021 | 11