Hong Kong Industrialist Jan-Mar 2021
DEPUTY CHAIRMEN’S VIEWS 宏勢微觀 A s businesses have been heavily hammered by the pandemic, Hong Kong economy has been plunged into a severe contraction. In face of the COVID-19 recession, many development focuses driven by the Government, including the local I&T talent cultivation, have been dampened as well. In a bid to drive various talent grooming programmes, we have spared no effort in tightening the cross-sectoral collaborations among the Government, industries, academia and research institutes. Recently, FHKI is planning to roll out the Programme “Research and Development Hub” (tentatively titled) in collaboration with HKSTP, with a view to furthering our support for businesses with a sharing R&D basecamp at Hong Kong Science Park. Aside from utilising best-in-class R&D facilities in the Park, participating companies will be encouraged to apply for the Research Talent Hub Scheme to bring research talent across universities to empower their product development processes. The Programme is expected not only to gear up local talent, but also to scale up the R&D capabilities of industries, and the overall competitiveness of Hong Kong as a global research hub. This will definitely be a win-win-win approach. 在 新冠肺炎疫情的衝擊下,香港各行各業備受打擊,經濟表現大幅下滑,同時對培訓本地科研人才亦構 成負面影響。有見及此,工總不斷聯繫「官產學研」的持分者,攜手推動不同的科研人才培訓計劃。最 近,工總正與香港科技園公司籌備一個暫名「Research and Development Hub」的計劃,希望能為業界於 香港科學園提供一個共用的研發基地,讓參與公司使用科學園區的科研設備。我們更鼓勵業界善用政府推 出的研究人才庫計劃,招聘院校的研究人才,從事產品研發工作。計劃不但有助培訓本地人才,同時改善業 界研發產品實力、進而提升本地科研實力,創造三贏的局面。 莊子雄 Steve Chuang Grooming I&T Talents Amid the Pandemic 在「疫境」中推動人才培訓 10 | 1-3/2021
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