Hong Kong Industrialist - Oct 2020
Co-organised by FHKI and Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd, the webinar “ Standard Chartered GBA Business Confidence Index ” was successfully held. The Index is the first quarterly survey in the market and speakers from Standard Chartered shared their in-depth insights with FHKI members. It also covered shed light on the latest GBA policies and business opportunities. 由工總與渣打銀行(香港)有限公司合辦之網絡研討會 —「渣打大灣區營商景氣指數」成功舉 行,該指數是市場首個針對「大灣區」營商景氣的季度調查,渣打銀行代表與工總會員分享他 們的相關深入見解,讓會員更了解大灣區最新政策及商機。 FHKI organised the webinar “ Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme ” . Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Rebecca Pun and FHKI Chairman Dr Daniel Yip encouraged local manufacturers to apply the fund for upgrading and transformation. Representatives from HKPC & HKSTP also share their insights on re-industrialisation of Hong Kong. 工總舉辦「再工業化資助計劃」申請全攻略網絡研討會。創新科技署署長潘婷婷與工總主席葉 中賢博士參加會議並鼓勵本地廠商申請更充裕資金進行升級轉型。香港科學園及香港生產力 促進局代表更與會員分享香港再工業化的機遇。 21 25 FHKI Group 14 (Hong Kong Mould & Die Council) organised the webinar “ Remote Management of Cross-border Business with ERP System ” , to demonstrate how ERP system could assist in managing data and operating cross-border businesses with real-life examples. 工總第14分組(香港模具協會)舉辦「ERP系統如何助你遙距管理跨境業務」網絡研討會,邀 請3家ERP系統公司透過實例與會員分享如何利用最新ERP系統遠程管理數據及營運公司。 讓大家了解及同時比較三個ERP系統特性,以切合企業所需。 27 52 | 10-12/2020
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