Hong Kong Industrialist - Oct 2020
FHKI participated in the IE Expo China 2020 in Shanghai. Being the implementation agency of Hong Kong Pavilion for the 4 th time, FHKI allied 12 Hong Kong environmental companies to explore the new opportunities in environmental technology industries during the COVID-19 pandemic. 工總參加於上海舉辦的第二十一屆中國環博會。這是工總第四次獲委任成為「香港館」的統籌 機構,今年共有12間香港環保企業參展,希望於疫情之下幫助企業開拓環境技術產業的市場 新機遇。 AUGUST ACTIVITY REVIEW 八月活動回顧 13-15 FHKI Group 32 (Hong Kong Automation Technology Council) organised the webinar “ Industrial Internet of Things and Application of Smart Energy Management ” . Guest speaker Joe Chak, Director of Hang Kei Engineering Service Ltd, was invited to share the information about applications of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and case studies on how the energy management systems worked on electrical devices. 工總第32分組(香港自動化科技協會)舉辦「工業物聯網及能源管理系統應用」網絡研討會, 嘉賓講者恆基工程服務有限公司董事翟兆基分享「工業物聯網」裝置及能源管理系統在電力裝 置的應用情況及個案分享。 20 FHKI ’ s PRD Council organised the “ E-commerce Strategy for Boost Domestic Sales ” webinar. Participating guests shared how to utilise E-commerce strategies to help enterprises develop and explore the domestic market. 工總轄下珠三角工業協會舉辦「內銷沒問題 — 電子商貿攻略」研討會,分享如何善用電子商 貿攻略,以協助企業發展及打入內銷市場。 07 50 | 10-12/2020
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