Hong Kong Industrialist - Oct 2020
How Hong Kong Industries Can Turn a Crisis into an Opportunity 「疫」境自強 香港 工業如何轉危為機 Pandemic Hits All Walks of Life The third wave of COVID-19 infections suddenly broke out in July, with over 100 confirmed cases every day for more than 10 consecutive days. So far, more than 5,000 confirmed cases have been recorded in Hong Kong. To stop a community outbreak, the Government has strengthened anti- epidemic measures, including enacting a 2-person limit on group gatherings and a ban on dine-in services at restaurants from 6pm. These measures affected all walks of life and reduced the desire for consumption, dealing a heavy blow to economic activities. GDP fell by 9% in the second quarter of 2020. Some scholars have anticipated a wave of company bankruptcies ahead. 疫情反覆打擊各行各業 本港新冠肺炎疫情原已漸趨穩定,但7月突 然爆發第三波疫情,連續10多天每日過百宗 確診個案,至今全港已錄得超過 5,000 宗確診 個案。為遏止疫情於社區傳播,政府加強抗疫 措施,曾一度收緊限聚令至2人,禁止6時後 提供堂食等,影響各行各業運作,亦降低大眾 消費意欲,嚴重打擊經濟活動,有學者指出可 能引致工商業界出現倒閉潮,今年第二季GDP 負增長達9%。 另外,新冠肺炎疫情蔓延全球,世界各地 均採取封關抗疫,致使全球航空運輸幾近停 擺,物流和人流受到限制,對供應鏈造成衝 擊,影響生產活動。 2 020年,本港工業沉重打擊,既要應付新冠肺炎疫情下嚴峻的營商環境,又要為美 國對香港實施制裁措施謀求相應對策。在逆境下,香港工業如何扭轉困局,衝破面 前障礙,逆流而上? T he year 2020 is challenging for the Hong Kong industries. Not only do manufacturers have to deal with the severe business environment afflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but they also have to respond to sanctions imposed by the US on Hong Kong. How can Hong Kong industries ride out the storm? 10-12/2020 | 17
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