Hong Kong Industrialist - March 2019

03/2019 | 3 HKI JOI www.industryhk.org 2732 3188 fhki@fhki.org.hk JOIN FHKI Bridging industries and policymakers 一直為業界與政府之間的橋樑 FHKI representative in LegCo : The Hon Andrew Leung 工總的立法會代表:梁君彥議員 FHKI representatives in important government and public bodies 在政府和主要公營機構的工總代表數目 Meetings with government and public bodies per year 每年與政府和公營機構會議次數 Submissions to Government over past decade 過去十年向政府遞交意見書數目 UR VOICE. 1960 1 50+ 100+ 250+ ALWAYS